to the girl I was then: embracing motherhood with love and grace / motherhood photoshoot ideas

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

To the girl I was then, I see you. I remember you. I’m trying to be like you, but I can’t be. And I’ve come to realize that’s okay. Because I’m not just you anymore—I’m a new version of you. A version that has been promoted to something greater: motherhood.

Becoming a mother has changed everything—the way I spend my days, the way I prioritize my time, and the way I see myself. I used to think I could do it all, juggle every responsibility, and chase after every goal without skipping a beat. But motherhood has shown me a different rhythm. A rhythm that requires patience, grace, and the ability to embrace what I can do, not dwell on what I can’t.

Learning to Be Realistic in Motherhood

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that I can’t accomplish everything in a day—and that’s okay. My to-do list may be long, but my child’s needs come first. Instead of striving for perfection, I’m learning to celebrate the small victories: the extra cuddle in the morning, the laughter over spilled milk, and the bedtime stories that make his eyes light up. Those moments matter more than checking off every box on my list.

He Doesn't Need Perfection—He Just Needs Me

For so long, I felt the pressure to be the “perfect” mom. The mom who does it all, who keeps a spotless home, prepares Pinterest-worthy meals, and never misses a beat. But I’ve realized my child doesn’t need perfection—he just needs me. He needs a mother who is present, who loves unconditionally, and who gives her best, even on the messy, exhausting days. And that’s more than enough.

Embracing This New Chapter with Grace

To the girl I was then—I love you. But I also love who I am becoming. I am stronger, more patient, and filled with a deeper kind of love than I ever knew possible. I may not have the same freedom or energy as before, but I have something even more beautiful: a little one who looks up to me with love in his eyes, just happy that I am here.

So, to all the mamas learning to embrace their new selves—let’s give ourselves grace. Let’s let go of unrealistic expectations and cherish the beautiful, imperfect journey of motherhood. Because we are enough. Just as we are.

Instagram @ iamchristinaxo