Lately I've been drowning myself in books, quotes, and poems. Reading about everything from love, to being a better entrepreneur. I can honestly read quotes all day, so I created a board on Pinterest where I save my favorite ones. It's something about finding things you can relate to 100% . My favorite quotes/short poems are from Follow my blog with Bloglovin Rupi Kaur. I honestly think she's a genius because she has such a play with words that makes you feel empowered. I often think about creating my own personal quotes with the idea that one day I will be well-known and have quotes of my own. My dream is to be well-known in my field to help inspire others in the field to chase their dreams through not only my work but also my quotes.

I recently found a book store here in Pittsburgh that sells discounted books and magazines. I felt so alive as if a spark was ignited within me. Don't you prefer to feel the pages as you read? To highlight in a book, and fold the edges of the paper when you're ready to stop reading for a while? If so then you know exactly how I feel. I love the paper over the glass. I prefer to write and sketch on paper and I believe in writing down my thoughts, because of the power of the pen to paper. Something about it makes me feel like I'm writing my goals and plans into existence I always feel the need to go back and look at what I wrote down. For me its like I'm writing my history. If you look at my sketch books they tell stories of different times in my life. I was recently looking in my sketchbook from 2015 and it felt amazing. It was great to see ideas, sketches, and the things I came up with. Sometimes I feel like I can be a better artist, or be the artist I was before. But now my sketchbook is filled with clients names and work for my graphic design business vs just art ideas. I'm not complaining because I never thought that I would start and own a business. If you asked me back in 2015 what I see myself doing 2 years from now I would have said showcasing my art in galleries and writing proposals. In 2017 I re-branded my business; creating logos and trying to become a fashion blogger. Its funny how life works itself out. My dream of being a famous installation artist is still there. I may have not used those talents in a while but they are still with me. Sometimes I think I want to do too much but I have to remind myself that I wasn't placed on this earth to be mediocre or "normal". I can be anything I want to be even if its an Artist, Graphic Designer, and a Fashion Blogger all in one.